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Writer's pictureJim Maccall

Hunter or Farmer? - ServiceTech can help

Updated: Feb 7, 2020

Getting and keeping decent technicians and mechanics has never been more of a challenge. Based on recent research in the UK, we need to bring in nearly 600 new machinery technicians per year. Thats a huge number for our relatively small industry and sometimes what seems like the easiest idea is to stick a £1 an hour on the rate and advertise the role.

That fixes the problem for a short-while and then one of your technicians gets an offer they can't refuse and we go back to plan A, being a hunter.

Some years ago I had a lovely job helping encourage employers to engage with regional colleges to establish apprenticeship schemes based around existing schemes, it works well however, just think back to when you were 18 or younger, choosing your life's career is a massive ask and the bosses challenge is to find a mechanic to gleefully mentor the newbie.

So, the firms that farm rather than hunt recruit trainee mechanics, they start as 'check and test' or PDI Technicians and then pick it up along the way with a mixture of training, mentoring and learning by their mistakes. The farmers should be congratulated and supported as they are bringing in new people.

What is ServiceTech?

A range of modular training courses written specifically for our industry that get back to basics and lead to nationally recognised qualifications.

Why go back to basics?

Many training courses focus on what buttons to press or processes which is ok for basic tests and inspection but to be able to diagnose faults requires an understanding of how things work and the basic principles. Then when they don't work correctly, diagnosis can be done using logical fault finding rather than BLF - big lump fitting. Examples of training content include:

  • Engines & Power Systems - On the desk is an air cooled engine and basic tools along with a workbook. Starting with the four and two stroke cycle theory we work through systems whilst the engines are stripped down by the learners and each system and feature is reviewed. By lunchtime the engines are down to their last nut and bolt and by 2pm they are back together including use of torque wrenches and measuring equipment including a swift compression test

  • Basic Electrics & Work Equipment - Starting with conductors and insulators, basic circuits and multimeter use through to completing a Combined Inspection & Test (PAT) on hire fleet and work equipment items - done practically

  • Basic Hydraulics & Hydrostatic Drive Systems - Includes hydraulic principles, ISO Schematics - drawing basic ones and understanding manufacturers schematics

Further Info:

Have a look at our ServiceTech pages for live courses and more information. We bring the training to you.

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